Baker Home Energy

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats are not only about saving money on your electricity bill, they’re also the start of a whole-house intelligence system.
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Why do I need a smart thermostat?

Smart thermostats do everything a traditional thermostat does and much more. They have the intelligence to control your environment autonomously in a way that saves money.

Let’s look at a real-life example: in the blistering heat of summer your house is unbearable without the air conditioning running. It’s too expensive to run the AC all day, so you do what most people do: turn it on full-blast when they walk in the door, then turn it off as they leave. This can happen multiple times throughout the day as family members come and go. Ironically, it means the AC is virtually always turned on to its highest fan and lowest temperature setting whenever it’s running, which is like driving a car with the gas floored at all times. The result is, you guessed it…a high electricity bill.

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Smart thermostats solve this problem by learning your habits and either maintaining a moderate temperature while you are away, or turning off completely then coming back on just prior to your arrival. This means when you walk in the door, your AC doesn’t have to work as hard to achieve the temperature you desire.

A smart thermostat can learn your habits, like a routine where nobody is home Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. It would then adjust your programming to power down the AC at exactly 9am and come back on again at 3:30pm. Coming home early from work and your smart thermostat doesn’t know? No problem, your mobile phone will let your smart thermostat know automatically so it can prepare the right temperature.